Hope Is Where the Heart Is
AARP ONLINE Career Coaching for Veterans & Spouses AND AARP LIVE PROGRAMS
Career coaching with personal consultation; The Learning Library has resources to help your job search and build your career skills, plus employment and career resources for Veterans & spouses.
AARP Job Board: https://jobs.aarp.org/
"Follow" AARP Programs on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AARPPrograms
Questions: AARP Programs, aarpprograms@aarp.org
Steve Carter - Office of Community Engagement (773) 401-4028, SCarter@aarp.org
Montana: Jim Higgins (406) 291-0356, higginsjw.1@gmail.com
American Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces & Military & Veteran Caregiver Network (MVCN)
Find events, activities, conferences, retreats, camps, training and webinars by and for military and Veteran caregivers. MORE INFO / REGISTER: https://www.redcross.org/get-help/military-families/services-for-veterans/military-veteran-caregiver-network/mvcn-calendar.html
Questions: ARC MVCN, programs.mvcn@redcross.org
MONTANA: Sara Cease - Regional Program Manager (406) 750-9939, sara.cease@redcross.org
LOCAL: American Red Cross - ID & MT Region Recruitment Specialist & Volunteer Services (406) 493-8778, IDMT.Recruiting@redcross.org
Arm-Me Up for Military Spouses
Special guests share their resources, triumphs, experiences, and resiliency as military spouses. Follow their LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/arm-me-up-army-spouses-career-campaign/
Learn more: arm-me-up.org
Military Spouse jobs: https://www.militaryspousejobs.org/army-spouses
Questions: Denise Lewis, MSML (Army Ret Spouse) – Outreach Coordinator and Diversity Officer, Arm-Me Up & WWRP (252) 621-3690, dlewis@vetjobs.org
Community Veteran Engagement Boards (CVEB)
Part of the VA's effort to ensure the "GREAT work / impact of VSN Missoula and other high-performing CVEB around the nation are represented" on this site: https://www.va.gov/outreach-and-events/events/
Questions: VA Veterans Experience Office - Veterans, Family and Community Engagement, vesovets@va.gov
Herd 2 Human @ Willowbend Farm, Clinton
Equine inter-species communication program developed to assist with trauma recovery and general wellness. There are countless stories of positive personal growth & recovery of those who have attended the classes and private sessions. If you have experienced a traumatic event in your life or know someone struggling with PTS, please check it out!: https://www.willowbendfarmmt.com/
If you cannot commit to the 6-week classes, Jeff also has a 3-day intensive program.
There's also a Instructor Certification Course (VA Approved Training!)
Calendar: https://www.willowbendfarmmt.com/apps/calendar/showMonth?calID=5149848&year=2021&month=9
APPLICATION: https://www.willowbendfarmmt.com/forms
Email application to jeff@willowbendfarmmt.com
OR mail to Willowbend Farm, 13400 Turah Rd., Clinton, MT 59825
Questions: Jeff Patterson, Willowbend Farm, Inc. (406) 240-8598
Hiring Our Heroes
Virtual Career Fairs, resume workshops, and other workforce development events designed to educate, inform, inspire, and connect Veterans, service members, and spouses with military-ready employers. https://events.hiringourheroes.org/c/calendar/a7a5b351-8807-4343-8561-c757c022600f
Questions: Cara Cooke (Capt - USAF Vet) - U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, ccooke@uschamber.com
Or Hiring Our Heroes, hiringourheroes@uschamber.com
Homeward for Heroes (H4H)
Veterans, first responders & spouses are invited to experience “Meet Ups” & 3-10 day treks to reconnect. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to giving back to those who have given so much to serve. Shout Out: https://shoutout.wix.com/so/31OPwYNEf
MONTHLY: Meet UP in Kalispell / Meet & Greet: https://www.homewardforheroes.org/meet-greet
H4H MONTANA TREK: This is one of our most popular treks and takes participants to old ghost towns, historic sites, natural hot springs and some scenic back roads throughout Montana: https://www.homewardforheroes.org/cat
Learn more about H4H upcoming events: https://www.homewardforheroes.org/events; Questions: Dan & Laura Reese (406) 471-0513, info@homewardforheroes.org OR Mason Jacobson (406) 314-1410
KALISPELL to LIBBY: Camp Ponderosa, Elks, Flathead VSP, Happy's Inn, NW MT Veterans Food Pantry, RWB, Underwater Soldiers & Wives of Veterans!
The NW MT Veterans Food Pantry is serving those who have served! Dedicated to extending a helping hand up to homeless, low-income, and at-risk veterans and their families (Food boxes, clothing, household furnishings, Veterans Stand Down, benefits assistance, Peer Support, and much more!) Questions: NW Montana Veterans Food Pantry 406-756-7304 OR NW MT Veteran Coalition (406) 291-0356
NW MT Veterans Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Loan Program ~ Accepts ALL donations of medical equipment, wheelchairs, etc. for the DME loan program & offer the equipment to all low income / at-risk Veterans free of charge. Follow their FB page for more information: https://www.facebook.com/veteransfoodpantry
NW MT Veterans Camp Ponderosa ~ Veterans Retreat in Seeley/Swan Valley. Need a camping spot? HWY 83 Mile Marker 59. Call (406) 754-2552 to reserve & follow their Facebook
Flathead Valley Community College ~ Encourages enrolled students with a military connection to join the Veterans Association at the school. Club meetings are held every other Friday afternoon. Contact the group at vets@fvcc.edu
Herd 2 Human ~ Dauntless Equine Inc. is your Flathead Valley approved H2H program provider offering equine assisted therapy (EAT) programs at no charge for Veterans and First Responders. Contact wayneappl@gmail.com
Kalispell Elks Lodge, 139 1st Ave W ~ Join the Elks! (Facebook) Questions: +1 406-257-6474
The Musuem of Mountain at Glacier International Airport (STORY).
Patriotic American Brewery, 2177 US Hwy 2 E., Evergreen Questions: PAB 406-300-1990, matt@patrioticamericanbrewery.com
Samaritan House ~ Cowboy Up Auction
Underwater Soldiers ~ Veteran Dive Night, Flathead Scuba, 203 Business Center Loop Ste A, Kalispell ~ Open to any and all Veterans! Find out the benefits of scuba diving. Questions: (406) 260-1526, info@underwatersoldiers.org
Veteran Service Provider (VSP) Meeting ~ Every 4th Thursday at Job Service Kalispell, 427 First Ave East in Kalispell, 1pm. Join Zoom Meeting (Meeting ID: 224 664 3341; Password: 499404): https://mt-gov.zoom.us/j/2246643341?pwd=d3VDUmdVa2ZEUEtqK1lEOXFKd1cvUT09&omn=85659584966; Questions: James Graham – DVOP, Job Service Kalispell, Montana Department of Labor & Industry (406) 758-6279; Google Voice text & message line (406) 616-3042, James.Graham@mt.gov
Veterans Upward Bound ~ Offering a series of FREE workshops for Veterans focused on Computer Skills, Writing and Communications & Basic Math Skills. If you need a laptop, we have refurbished ones that we can provide through our laptop loaner program (FLYER). REGISTER: https://vubmt.com/ OR contact Michelle (MSUN Center for VETS) 406-272-6492, mwatson@vubmt.com
Wives of Veterans ~ Coffee & Conversation. Join them for a monthly coffee chat with other Veteran wives. All eras are welcome! Contact Christine, flatheadwivesofveterans@yahoo.com
Happy's Inn, 72576 US Highway 2, Libby ~ The only bar that boasts a place on all official HWY maps and always has something going on! Follow on FB +1 406-293-2929, Casey@Happysinn.com
Red, White & Brews is Veteran Owned, 411 Mineral Ave., Libby ~ They proudly support Military, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters and their K9 partners! They ALWAYS have something FUN happening (FOLLOW) Questions: +1 406-293-8889, redwhiteandbrews411@gmail.com
Missoula Events
MissoulaEvents.Net is a local calendar powered by GatherBoard. Post & Search for FREE! See what's going on in Missoula! https://www.missoulaevents.net/
Questions: Message https://www.facebook.com/MissoulaEvents.net/
SMART Recovery Support Groups
This is open to anyone interested in attending. At its core, SMART is a set of “Thinking Tools” or exercises that people can use to manage their patterns of behavior. SMART is a science-based program which uses principles from the fields of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT). https://www.facebook.com/MTPeerNetwork/events/
Learn more about SMART recovery: https://www.smartrecovery.org/
Montana Peer Network: http://www.mtpeernetwork.org/
Questions: Montana’s Peer Network (406) 551-1058, andi@mtpeernetwork.org
USDA Forest Service TRAINING on Resumes, Navigating USAJOBS & Qualifying
These webinars are open to the public and provide assistance for those looking for federal employment within the Forest Service. USAJOBS events for all kinds of federal agencies are listed here: https://www.usajobs.gov/Notification/Events (Scroll down to find additional USDA Forest Service trainings later in the year).
Questions: Kevin Hood – USDA FS Alaska Region (907) 419-2372, kevin.e.hood@usda.gov
US DOL VETS Military Spouse Employment TEAMS Events
The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) Program is a series of DOL TAP workshops targeted at helping all Military Spouses plan and prepare for their job search. INFO / REGISTER: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/vets/programs/tap/teams-workshops
Questions: Tom Finch - Montana State Director, US DOL VETS (Veterans' Employment and Training Service) (406) 447-3233, Finch.Thomas.L@dol.gov
VA Careers
Open to both clinical and nonclinical professionals. Chat with VA physician and nurse recruiters about available health care jobs around the country, ask questions about the application process and gather information on benefits and continuing education support. VA Careers events: https://www.vacareers.va.gov/events/index
As always, if you’re looking for more information on careers at VA, be sure to visit www.vacareers.va.gov
Questions: (844) 456-5208, vacareers@va.gov
Montana VA Health Care / Hiring questions: Paden Holman - Administrative Assistant, Patient Care Services, Montana VA Healthcare System 406-447-6054, Paden.Holman@va.gov
LOCAL: Heidi Leishman – Supervisor Medical Support Assistant (406) 493-3700 Ext 2, heidi.leishman@va.gov
Kalispell: Tiny Hudson – Clinic Manager (406) 758-2753, tiny.hudson@va.gov
Veterans Upward Bound
MSU Billings, Missoula College, and Flathead Valley Community College. The Missoula and Billings classes also stream live, making them much more accessible to Veterans not able to attend in-person (materials provided).
Calendar: https://vubmt.com/calendar.php
Questions: 877-356-8387
VFW Gun Raffle
Post 209 Firearm Raffle! 2025 Annual Firearms Raffle — Ole Beck VFW Post 209
Purchase at VFW 245 W. Main St., Missoula OR call Tom (623) 229-1225; Anton (406) 396-8390
Text VFW2022 to (863) 204-1989 for updates & winners!
Workforce GPS: https://www.workforcegps.org/events
Offers resources for veterans and transitioning service members to meet their career, education, and employment goals. Questions: WorkforceGPS (888) 848-3696, Support@WorkforceGPS.org